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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Love And Basketball

Love And Basketball - First off I want to say I really experienced this film. I performed basketball all throughout university and keep in mind all my team mates referring to it so you can think about my pleasure when I discovered out we would be viewing it.

From the very first world of the film we see Monica as a common tomboy. Well actually, you think she is a boy until she requires her ballcap off. We can tell that Monica does not have conventional sex identification of a lady. Instead of enjoying toys and getting into her woman's cosmetics, she is off outside toughing around and enjoying golf ball. We see Monica and Quincy’s connection start as little children. One particular world I experienced was when Quincy requested her out and then tried to create her get on his motorcycle to go to university. He claims, “My dad always pushes my mom. That indicates I have to trip you.” Monica then comes again with, “I never have to do what you say.” This identifies Monica completely. Monica’s sex identification is not conventional for a young lady. Her interest for golf ball and her generate to be the first lady in the NBA are not common for most women. On the in contrast, Quincy shows the conventional men sex identification (more like alpha-male if you ask me). Throughout university and institution he’s considered as “the man”. Ladies really like him and folks want to be him. He stocks Monica’s interest and really like for golf ball but rather than being belittled, he is recognized for his sports capability.

Love And BasketballLove And Basketball
Love And BasketballLove And Basketball
Love And Basketball Love And Basketball
Love And Basketball Love And Basketball
Love And Basketball Love And Basketball

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